četrtek, 15. november 2012

Vicoteka #288

Nothing moves faster than a girl untagging herself from an ugly picture.

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When a girl changes in front of you:
A) She is really interested in you
B) You're level 99 friend zoned
C) She's pretty sure you're gay.

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You're not fat. Now chin up!...... and the other one too.

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During school:
"What day is its?"
"Friday, November 7th, 2012 11:40 am."
During summer:
"What day is it?"
"Probably June"

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If cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast.... then you don't want to know what the hell it is in Raid.

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You're lesbian? You're not attracted to men.. but you're dating girls that looks like men. That makes complete sense!


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