četrtek, 9. februar 2012

Vicoteka 196#

My sexlife as a song title:
"Me, myself and I."

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That awkward moment when you make eye contact with someone... through the little crack on the bathroom stall.

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If I worked on a restaurant on Valentines Day, I would put a fake engagement ring in every girl's drink.

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"3 words, 8 letters. Say it, and I'm yours." ..
"3 worlds, 8 letters."

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I didn’t trip; I was testing gravity. It still works.

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*finds out crush isn't at school today*:
"Damn wasted outfit"

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Girls are like parking spaces. All the good ones are taken- the rest are handicapped.

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"Stuck in the friend zone" should be a relationship status on Facebook.

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I was approached by a detective yesterday and he asked, "Where were you between four and six?" So I said, "Kindergarten..."

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Pregnancy tests should read: You’re Screwed! or Keep Screwing.

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When I yawn, I wonder
if deaf people think I'm screaming.

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That awkward moment when the guy who discovered milk has to explain what he was doing to the cow...

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*On Facebook* Hot person:
Just ate lunch!
*93 likes, 37 comments*

Normal person:
It's my birthday! :D
*mom likes this*

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Teacher: What comes after 69?
You: 70?
Teacher: No, mouthwash! Haha, you fail!

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