sreda, 29. maj 2013

Vicoteka #328

Mlada mamica v vlaku doji dojenčka , ta pa noče piti. Mamica ga spodbuja:
"Če ne boš pil , bom dojko ponudila temu gospodu , ki sedi nasproti naju."
Scena se nekajkrat ponovi, nato pa nasproti sedeči gospod vznemirjeno vzklikne:
"Naj se ta froc že enkrat odloči, peljem se že pet postaj predaleč!"

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Not a day goes by when I don't think about my dead wife.
I hope and pray, one day it will come true.

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The 3 tragedies in a mans life:
1. Life sucks
2. Job sucks
3. Wife does NOT

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I think one of my dads is gay.

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Money doesn't buy happiness? Well it buys a jet ski. Have you ever seen a sad person on a jet ski? It's impossible to be sad on a jet ski.

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I've been disappointed so many times, not giving a fuck is almost a reflex.

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That's about as suspicious as a nun doing squats in a cucumber field.


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